Our Values
Pride. Integrity. Commitment. These are some of our core values.
- Whether it's pride in a hard day's work or an entire job done with quality craftsmanship, our members understand what it means to do the job right the first time and providing the most value to customers.
- The contractors and tradespeople of Project First Rate are the most skilled, safe, and productive in the business and bring their principles with them to the job site.
- Our members are committed to being valued members of their community, supporting local businesses and charitable organizations to our local economies are vibrant and all can access opportunities.
Opportunities for All
- Many people in our region still struggle to meet basic needs and obtain opportunities to become financially independent. Our members have fought for years to improve conditions for working people, putting these principles into action.
- They now bring that same energy into creating a more diverse and inclusive workforce. Project First Rate works directly with schools, community organizations and government to raise awareness of careers in the trades, registered apprenticeship programs, and resources to prepare people to be successful in the field.
- We are committed to ensuring all people, regardless of their race, gender, or income level see that they can build a rewarding career in the field, while helping them achieve this goal.
Fair Policies for Workers and Business
We believe that government has a responsibility to set a fair playing field for businesses while also protecting the rights of workers. We educate and advocate for common-sense policies that protect taxpayers and improve economic opportunities for local workers and businesses. This includes the use of responsible bidder ordinances, strengthening prevailing wage protections, and ensuring local tax dollars go to local workers and local businesses, who spend their dollars in their own communities rather than it out of state.